Logic Pro X MIDI Plug-Ins Explained

The new Logic Pro X introduced some new, way cool MIDI plug-ins that can really inspire, create new parts for your songs and allow you to tweak until your heart's content. Follow along with Apple Logic Certified Pro Eli Krantzberg and see just what all the excitement is about.

Introduction (03:44) - Learn exactly what MIDI plug-ins are and how they are different from audio plug-ins.
Note Repeater (07:33) - Explore the Note Repeater plug-in and see how it is used to generate repeating MIDI notes; either mimicking an audio delay unit, or selectively including or excluding specific ranges of notes.
Modulator Plug-In LFO Section (08:02) - See how LFOs, repeating cyclical patterns, are used to modulate target parameters in the Modulator plug-in.
Modulator Plug-In Envelope Section (06:39) - Explore how a four point envelope can be used to modulate destination parameters over time.
Envelopes & LFOs Together (00:00) - Explore some of the possibilities when combining these two modulation sources, and see how they interact together.
Randomizer (06:19) - See how this plug-in is used to transform MIDI message values into random values. Intensity, range, and weighting controls are used to limit the results of the generated values.
Transposer (03:12) - Watch how this plug-in is used to have incoming notes conform to a specific, or user defined, root key signature and scale type.
Create Custom Patterns (05:56) - Watch as the Note Repeater, Randomizer, Transposer, and Modulator plug-ins are used in series, together with some automation, to build custom arpeggiated patterns designed to fit a unique chord progression.
Velocity Processor (06:05) - Explore the various modes this plug-in offers. It is used to compress, expand, limit, fix, scale, add to, or subtract from, incoming note velocities.
Modifier Plug-In (04:10) - See how this plug-in is used to reassign a specific MIDI event type and optionally scale, add to, or subtract from the converted values.
Chord Trigger (07:44) - Explore the Single and Multi modes of this this plug-in, and how they are programmed and used to trigger chords by playing a single MIDI key.
Arpeggiator: Control Parameters (08:02) - Learn how to control the arpeggiators various latch and playback modes.
Arpeggiator: Note Order Parameters (05:06) - See how speed and the order of the arpeggiated notes are set using the rate knob and field, the direction buttons, and the variation and inversion controls.
Arpeggiator: Pattern Parameters (06:34) - Discover how custom patterns are created, modified, and saved, in either live or grid mode.
Arpeggiator: Advanced Parameters (08:43) - Explore the global playback controls that affect note length, velocity, and swing; and learn to split the keyboard and remote control the arpeggiator functions either from a dedicated note range or with other MIDI messages generated from your controller.
Recording MIDI FX (00:00) - Learn how to use Apple's Audio MIDI Setup utility to create an IAC bus, and record all of Logic's MIDI FX to a new track through it; all without touching the Environment Window.
Parallel Processing With MIDI FX (06:50) - See how MIDI FX plug-ins can be used in track stacks and how the stack master is used to trigger different MIDI processes on multiple tracks simultaneously.