Pro Tools Automation Secrets

Learn essential Pro Tools automation features from a true Pro Tools master, Michael Costa. Discover Pro Tools' amazing, powerful mixing automation features and functions, and take your mixes to the next level. The automation features and techniques are shown in detail and will be used on every Pro Tools mixing project you ever do in the future!

Intro & Automation Basics (06:42) - Get an introduction to and basic description of the automation types and modes.
Plug-In Automation (05:55) - See the steps required to enable automation for plug-ins.
The Automation Window (06:26) - A first look at the window which is the centerpiece of the Pro Tools automation world.
Write-to Modes (08:23) - Get a detailed look at the five “Write To” commands.
Automatch (08:26) - See how to take all or some of a track's parameters out of automation recording, without stopping the transport.
Latch Prime During Stop (07:17) - Learn the power and control you gain when you’re able to perform a number of automation tasks without even needing to press play.
Preview Mode (15:00) - Explore the coolest and best way to test out automation changes you want to make. When you’re happy, ‘punch’ them into your mix.
Capture Mode (14:49) - Learn how to capture anything from one to thousands of parameter states and then ‘punch’ them back to their tracks at will.
Glide Automation (12:31) - Using some of the techniques learned from the previous movies, see how easily you can make automation smoothly glide from in point to out.
Snapshot Automation (18:32) - Learn some ways you can use snapshots of multiple parameters. A mastering example is just one of the ways this technique could benefit you.
VCAs (07:51) - Learn about the clear mixing benefits of using VCAs in your Pro Tools workflow.
Trim Modes (13:15) - See how to turn existing automation up or down with new automation. Now you can keep complicated micro changes intact and turn the entire value up or down.
Coalescing Trim & VCA Automation (08:13) - Michael shows how to take all these secondary automation changes we’ve made, and write them back to their dependents.
Read Trim Mode (04:14) - Learn about this cool mode allowing you to make simple global changes to existing complex automation.
Back / Back & Play (06:26) - If you’re doing finicky automation passes, these two modes allow you to navigate quickly to correct mistakes as you go.
Join & Auto Join (03:10) - See the way the big movie mixers do it: When automating many parameters at a time, learn how you can stop and repair just the one error, and keep the others intact.
Revisions in the Real World (23:54) - Look at real world scenarios and solutions that a producer might come across.
Use Duplicate Tracks (03:01) - Learn a quick tip to preserve custom grouping when adding new tracks late in your mix.
Grouping Specific Attributes (08:02) - See a quick tip on a custom grouping situation which gives easy access to your headphone mix for global changes.
Copy & Pasting Plug-in Settings (01:55) - A look at how a simple feature can be more potent when married to a feature we learned earlier.
Special Paste Tricks (02:20) - In this final movie, discover how automation from one parameter can be copied and pasted to a different, non-matching parameter.