Eventide UltraReverb Explained

More than just a Reverb, the Eventide UltraReverb has it all, including stunning Reverbs, Delays Dynamics, and Ambience derived from Eventide's flagship H8000 hardware processor. Studio guru Todd Tatnall takes you on a guided tour of this killer Reverb plug-in and shows you just what it can do.

Introduction (05:35) - A brief primer on the plugin, then we'll go through the process of registering, installing and authorizing the software.
Working with Hosts (04:14) - Learn how to find and add UltraReverb in a few DAW applications, and learn about sharing one instance of the plugin using bus sends and returns.
Signal Flow (06:29) - Discover the flexibility of UltraReverb's included processing features, specifically how the order of various sections can be changed to achieve different effects.
The Reverb & Delay Sections (08:34) - Learn about the controls and parameters in these two sections.
The EQ & Compressor Sections (06:27) - Todd explores the EQ and Compressor sections.
Snapshots & Presets (06:21) - See how handy the Snapshots section is, as well as how to save and recall both presets and snapshots.