VTM Explained

The holy grail of tape machine emulation has now arrived, Slate Digital VTM. This series will teach you what every button and features does, as well as how to apply it to your tracks and productions to get that unmistakable sound and vibe. Sedric Pieretti takes you back in time, to when tape was king.

Getting Started
Introduction (01:30) - Learn what the VTM attempts to accomplish and get a brief history of recording to tape. Some tape recording concepts and terminology are covered here as well.
Control Overview (05:37) - Get an overview of the front panel controls and displays to identify each piece of the plug-in.
The Tape Machines
Machines & Tapes (09:20) - Examine the qualities of each different type of tape and tape machine available in VTM.
Speed & Bias (07:34) - Explore the tape speed and bias controls and their sonic effects.
Meters & Knobs (05:13) - Discover the input and output stages, as well as the VU meters and their functions.
Settings & Calibration (15:52) - Learn about the settings and calibration options that are given in VTM. The relationship between the VU meters, saturation and noise are examined here as well.
Using Groups
Assigning Groups (02:19) - See how to assign different instances of VTM to groups and operate them in unison.
Mixing & Groups (10:32) - Learn how to use groups in a mix and change settings after grouping.
Mixing Techniques
Calibrating for Saturation (04:58) - Learning how to use the calibration settings to adjust the saturation threshold.
Virtual Multitrack Tape Recorder (06:26) - Learning how to set up a virtual multitrack tape recorder emulation using many instances of VTM and maximizing our 'tape sound'.